Saving Our Way
$1.50 Sunday Express-News Newspaper
Sign up for the $1.50 Sunday Express Newspaper

Sign Up with the Express Newspaper Now
The Express Newspaper is $5 PER paper but with my discount, you can receive each paper for ONLY $1.50 Each paper which typically offers two inserts: Smart Source & The Save.
If you sign up through the 6-month promotion you get 5 individual papers every Sunday for $7.50 - that's $1.50 PER paper.
You're not even bound to a contract!
Looking to Stockpile like the Coupon Experts do? This is the way to do it!

If you sign up for the $1.50 Sunday Express Newspaper you're saving $4 on the paper
It's important to note that finding these newspapers at the store is going to become a thing of the past, they will be moving almost strictly to home deliveries. The usual price of a paper is $5 but I have worked closely with Express News and negotiated a deal to receive Home deliveries at only $1.50 per paper! I did this in hopes to help people utilize the coupons within the paper and help people save! You will NOT find this promotion anywhere else in San Antonio.
No need to continue to pay those high prices at the Stores any longer! You can get your paper for just a $1.50 Subscription/Max 5 per household by Signing up with me today. It's time to Start the Journey of Couponing and with this Low Subscription, you Can Now Save Big in the Coupon World.
Here's why I get x5!
1.) Stockpile - My couponing ensures my family will always have the essentials (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, paper products, etc.)
2.) Brings my OOP (Out of Pocket) Down to just $1.50 a paper!
3.) Save hundreds of dollars every month!
4.) Delivered directly to your doorstep!
That's a HUGE saving vs the original price of the San Antonio Express Sunday Newspaper which is around $5 for JUST ONE PAPER!
No need to hesitate, order today!
BEST VALUE 5 Subscriptions!
Make 2023 your Year to SAVE!
**"Members, My Name is Brenda Anz, the CEO of & Creator of Saving Our Way Facebook page. I am putting out this important message to all! We Do Not Condone the selling of inserts. The selling of inserts is a form of theft and the person selling the coupons can indeed get prosecuted! Do not be a part of this illegal act. Even if there is not a direct criminal penalty involved, both coupon buyers and sellers open the door to potential litigation when they buy or sell coupons because they are in violation of the "non-transferability" clause printed on all coupons distributed within the United States.
Members, if you are needing inserts please do this legally and order from me directly by clicking the button above to secure that you will get your insert every Sunday and you can continue to SAVE BIG!
These contracts all specifically prohibit sales of stand-alone inserts. If you buy inserts it is the result of a theft somewhere up the chain.
All Questions and Concerns should be directed to Express News for San Antonio and Surrounding Areas Only at:
210-250-2000 or toll free
Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday
7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Holidays 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
When will I get charged for my subscription?You will see a charge on the Thursday following the day you fill out the form to subscribe. If you fill out the subscription form on a Thursday or Friday (within 48 hours), that will be the day you are charged. Look for a Congratulations in your email. On that Sunday you should receive the paper.
When will my charges show up for my other 5 months?These charges will appear every 30 days after the itinial charge. Note: You will want to ensure you have these funds available to avoid a disruption in your delivery of your papers. This would be unfortunate seeing how the deals can't be chased if you don't have the coupons! So set your calendar reminder and make sure you've got it ready!
When will I receive my first delivery?Many receive their delivery the first week after their payment has been processed. However, it can take up to 2 weeks for a subscription to start.
Who do I contact for Questions or Concerns?You would contact San Antonio Express News for San Antonio and Surrounding areas ONLY @ 210-250-2000 or toll free 1-800-246-7411. Hours Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Saturday - Sunday 7:00 a.m. - 11 a.m. and Holidays 7:00 a.m. - 10 a.m..
Can I can Cancel?Yes you can.
If I already have a subscription, can I still get this offer?"Yes you definitely can! Your current subscription will remain the same pricing, since each household can have 5 total subscriptions, the additional subscriptions would be at the $1 offer!